11 Things That Attract Women To Men

Updated October 21, 2024by Regain Editorial Team

What do girls find attractive in a man? This may be a question on your mind if you're a man trying to attract the right woman. After all, you want to be the type of man someone wants to be with. Naturally,  you're curious about what it is that makes certain men so attractive to a woman. It may not be all about looks or money or any of the other things that you may have heard. 

Insecurity can make dating excruciating


If you're asking yourself, "What are women attracted to?", one possible answer to this question is intelligence. This is something that you may not be able to control for yourself completely, but it's something you can work on. Reading, going to school, and even playing certain games can help make you more intelligent. You don't need to have a high IQ (though that can also help). You can try staying informed about things that are happening around you. This will ensure you and your partner have things to talk about and that you can sustain coherent conversations around current events.

Body posture

The way you hold yourself can play an important role in how you are perceived by women. Slouching, for example, may make you appear less confident.  This can make you seem like less of a 'catch' for women around you. Standing up straight and practicing good posture will help ensure a potential date looks at you in a completely different way. They may see you as someone who knows who they are and who trusts themselves as well.

Strong beliefs

What women find attractive as well is a man who strongly believes in something good. You don't have to have any religious beliefs per se.  You could simply have your own beliefs about certain things in your life. Having a stance on some of the issues that are going on in the world and being firm in those beliefs is a characteristic many women find attractive. If you're too wishy-washy about your opinions, on the other hand, it could turn some women off. Most women want someone who has a strong sense of what they think and feel, even if those thoughts are different from their own. They may find it unattractive if you tend to falter on your opinions or change them to match what they want every time.


You need to be attentive to your date if you want her to express attraction. Attracting women means talking to them, paying attention to them when you're together, and taking an interest in their life. You want to make sure that you pay attention to things that they tell you and that you're able to remember different things about them. This could show her that she is important to you, and that may be an important step when you start to carry on a relationship.



To be attractive to women, you need to be passionate about something. Having something that you find important to you or that you can get excited about may be a great way to show her your personality. After all, you want to make sure that she can see who you are.


Being confident is different from being arrogant. If you're confident, it means that you believe in yourself. With confidence, you're likely to stay firm on your beliefs (as mentioned above), but that's not all. You're also going to give off the impression that a woman can count on you to be there for her. When you’re confident, she may be more likely to feel that you are trustworthy. Plus, you’ll likely feel better about your strengths and what you're able to do for yourself and others.

Excitement about life

To be attractive, you need to be happy and excited about life. That's not to say that someone who is depressed can't find a woman. Individuals experiencing depression may not have the common levels of excitement about life, but even a small amount of zest or appreciation for life can make a positive impression on someone you meet. 

Fun and spontaneity

Everyone wants to have some fun, so make some time for it in your own life. It doesn't matter what type of fun it is. The important thing is to make sure you enjoy your time alone and that you're spending time with a woman doing something fun. It may take some time to find something that you both enjoy, and that’s okay. Many women like a man who prioritizes fun and spontaneity. 

Healthy appearance

A healthy appearance doesn't mean that you need to be slim or that you have to be built. Women are attracted to men of all different body types. Still, it is important to show that you take care of yourself. This could mean trimming your nails, cutting your hair, grooming your facial hair, and so forth. These are all things that anyone can do, and they may show your potential partner that you take pride in your appearance. These things can be visible no matter your weight, height, fitness level, and more. And they can all show your potential as a healthy and positive partner.


You must be honest with your potential partner to maintain attractiveness. No matter what happens, you're going to want them to be open and honest with you, so make sure you're doing the same. That's how they learn they can trust you. It’s also how they know you won't hurt them. Feeling safe is important for many women, and without this assurance, they may not feel attracted.


Ideally, relationships should be calm and relaxed but not boring. Though you want to have a smooth sailing relationship free of arguments or disagreements, many women still crave an element of challenge. This could mean holding her accountable for her goals or being prepared for a good debate about social issues, for example. Keeping her on her toes can also make you happier over the long haul and keep your relationship going strong.

Therapy can help

For those looking for help with dating or trying to create a stronger relationship, these tips and traits could make a big difference. If you're still struggling or want more advice,  counseling may help you get on the right path to discovering and understanding yourself. Talking with a mental health professional may help you identify your strengths and build on them.

If you’re experiencing feelings of insecurity or defeat, though, talking to a stranger about these issues can be uncomfortable. You may feel embarrassed or ashamed, for example. Sometimes, an online setting can help people open up about their feelings. Online therapy can be more convenient as well since you can schedule sessions around your availability. 

Many people express concerns about the legitimacy or effectiveness of online therapy. While understandable, this hesitation is largely unfounded. Scholarly research in the field of mental health has found that online counseling can be just as effective as its in-person counterpart. 

Insecurity can make dating excruciating


Regain can help you learn more about yourself and work on your ability to be a good partner. No matter what you're going through, you can benefit from working with a compassionate mental health professional. Talking with someone can help you start improving yourself and your confidence. This could make it easier for you to meet the woman of your dreams and start building the life you've always wanted.

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