Why Don’t I Want To Do Anything Anymore – A Look At Boredom And Lack Of Desire

Updated June 19, 2024by Regain Editorial Team
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Have you ever been so tired, overwhelmed, or just fed up that you just didn’t feel like doing anything? If you have, you’re not alone. Many of us have experienced times when we have felt so overwhelmed that we experience – at least for a moment –  that “I don’t want to do anything” feeling. Several  common factors may contribute to a lack of motivation or desire. Some are medical, and some may have to do with underlying physical health issues, mental health concerns, substance use, or burnout. In this article, we talk about the connection between boredom and depression and how to get past the feelings of frustration, low motivation, and loss of interest to help you figure out what to do when you don’t want to do, well, anything.

Boredom And Lack Of Desire

Exhaustion Is Often A Sign Of A Mental Health Disorder

When feeling overwhelmed, many people get to the point of feeling like “I don’t want to do anything anymore” out of simple boredom, lack of desire, burnout, or a number of other reasons. If you’re experiencing this feeling, it’s often normal to take some downtime for yourself and rest, and it’s perfectly okay. In our increasingly fast-paced world filled with daily responsibilities and expectations, taking some downtime for yourself is not only normal, but also highly recommended for your wellbeing.

In fact, research has found that taking some downtime, whether it’s a nap, going for a walk, or taking a bath, can actually help to increase things like focus and motivation. Taking a bit of time away, be it half an hour or a full vacation, can help provide us with some much-needed perspective and enable us to better handle whatever it is that needs to be done. While this isn’t a cure all, taking some downtime for self-care and relaxation can be incredibly helpful and healing, and a healthy step toward regaining your motivation and sense of self.

It’s typical, from time to time, to wonder why you don’t want to do anything. This is a normal reaction, especially after a potentially exhausting string of events that has happened in your life. Major changes like starting or losing a job, starting or ending a relationship, and moving can trigger feelings of exhaustion or lack of desire to do things.

However, if after a few days or a few weeks of downtime the feeling of “I don’t want to do anything anymore” persists and becomes your new normal, it may be time to seek support. People who experience chronic mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may often have periods of boredom and feelings of  not wanting to do anything . When these issues persist and become overwhelming, a larger concern is likely to be at play. A licensed mental health professional may be able to help you address these concerns and get to the bottom of why you’re feeling as though you don’t want to do anything, even things that you previously enjoyed.

Depression And Lack Of Motivation

One of the most common reasons why people experience extended lack of motivation periods is due to depression. Individuals who live with diagnosed or undiagnosed depression typically experience symptoms that involve not wanting or lacking the energy to do much of anything. Depression comes in several forms such as major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, and others. If left untreated, these forms can potentially become a larger mental health concern.

Depression is a common, yet complex mental illness that occurs for several reasons, including family history, stressful life events, medications, illness or other health conditions, or faulty mood management. 

Some common symptoms of depression include:

  • Sleeping too little or too much

  • Eating too little or too much

  • Low energy

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Lack of interest in things that you previously enjoyed

  • Lowered self-esteem

  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness

  • Irritability

  • Social isolation

Individuals experiencing depression may not want to do anything because they don’t seem to have the mental or physical energy. While not all instances of lack of motivation are related to depression, it is a common cause. 

Existing Mental Health Challenges

Those experiencing mental health concerns may have a difficult time taking care of everyday responsibilities while dealing with the symptoms of challenging mental health conditions, such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, overcoming trauma, bipolar disorder, and many others. Living with challenging and chronic mental health conditions is not a choice, and many people who have mental health concerns may experience challenges in overcoming their symptoms. They may not be aware when their conditions are more problematic and need treatment.

If you haven’t already received a diagnosis for a mental health condition, it may be important to seek support from a medical professional to determine whether there is an underlying cause for your loss of motivation. They can provide a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan to help you overcome any mental health concerns you may have. There may also be medical conditions that can cause a person to feel a lack of energy or enthusiasm about activities they once enjoyed. A visit to your primary care physician may be able to help you rule out any underlying issues with other medical-related conditions.

Alternatively, if you believe you may have a mental health condition – or would just like to talk to a professional – a Regain therapist can help. One of the most popular and effective forms of therapy is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which can help find and prevent faulty beliefs, and teach how to reframe thinking and behaviors so that they produce more positive results. According to many medically reviewed studies, CBT has been found effective in treating multiple mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, stress management, and others, as well as living with chronic illness, including chronic fatigue syndrome.  

Research has also found that online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy for many people. This is particularly beneficial for those experiencing mental exhaustion or the desire to not do anything, as you do not have to leave the comfort of your home to still get help. With Regain, you can talk to a professional counselor using video, audio, or even chat, and you can do it at a time that’s convenient for you.

Some mental health disorders – such as PTSD – may require more specialized treatment. If you start a treatment plan that you do not feel is helping, bring this up with your therapist to brainstorm a new game plan that works better for you. If needed, you can switch to a therapist who has experience specific to your particular needs, such as depression, ADHD, anxiety, etc. Online counseling makes it easier to find the right counselor for your specific situation. 

Exhaustion Is Often A Sign Of A Mental Health Disorder

Continue reading below for reviews of real individuals who experienced similar concerns and were able to overcome them with the help of a Regain therapist.

Counselor Reviews

“I don’t know what I would have done without Harry. I was in a super low place and I was not sure what my problems were or how to solve them, but he was able to help me get to the bottom of my problems and work through them. Today I am happy and feel like myself again. He was so easy to talk to and worked with me whenever I needed him. Even on vacation, he took time to call me and talk through whatever I was going through. I would highly recommend him.”

“Shannon is very knowledgeable, and skilled in knowing how to use that knowledge to help others. She is also very compassionate and encouraging. I was skeptical about using a counseling service, but this experience has been incredible. I highly recommend Shannon to anyone who needs guidance or help through a difficult time in life. I gave her some enormous challenges, and nothing has been over her head. She has been a tremendous help to me.”


If you are having persistent feelings of not wanting to do anything, or if you are experiencing a consistent and regular lack of motivation, it may be time to seek support from a licensed medical professional. Regain is an online therapy platform that can match you with a licensed therapist to best suit your needs. With online therapy, you can receive advice and treatment at an affordable cost, all without leaving the house. A licensed therapist from Regain can help provide you with tools and strategies needed to help you get back to being you.

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