15 Ways To Show Love To Your Friends

Updated October 21, 2024by Regain Editorial Team

Telling your friends you love them may sound intimidating or even silly. But consider how it feels when a friend tells you they love and care about you. Did it feel good? Did it make you feel loved, valued, and seen? 

Letting your friends know that you love them can have a major positive impact on their wellbeing and grow your relationship. By affirming how much you care about them, you might find that your relationship gains a deeper degree of emotional intimacy, vulnerability, and comfort. But, demonstrating your love doesn’t have to mean shouting aloud, “I love my friends.” This article will explore 15 ways—some subtle and some more overt—that  you can show your friends that they matter to you:

Write letters

Do you have trouble expressing your feelings?

A heartfelt letter can be a sweet and nostalgic way to express your love. While text or e-mail might be a convenient way to communicate, you may want to consider taking the time to mail them a handwritten note. The extra effort could make them feel even more special, especially if it is a surprise.

Go on an adventure

Few things bond people closer to one another than when they experience something new together. If you want to tell your friends you love them, consider arranging a day trip or group activity. It may not be necessary to venture too far from home, either. There might be plenty of opportunities to sightsee or try new things in your local area.

Host dinner

Throughout history, people have come together over food. Creating a special meal for your friends may be one of the easiest ways to show them you care. Consider a laid-back backyard barbecue, for instance, or decorate your house like a fine dining establishment. You may want to keep in mind your friend's personalities when you are putting together the atmosphere and menu.

Celebrate them

You could tell your friends how much they mean to you by celebrating their achievements with them. Whether it is a job promotion, a relationship milestone, or just good fortune, let them know you are genuinely happy for them.

You may want to get creative with your recognition. There is much more you can do beyond praising them in person or over the phone. Send them a radio shout-out, have a cake baked with their face on it, or throw them a surprise party. Consider going out of your way to put a smile on their face.

Encourage them

Friends who love each other stand by one another in good times and in bad. If someone you care about is going through a difficult period or needs help finding a little extra motivation, you might want to be the first one in line to offer encouragement.

Sometimes all it takes are a few heartfelt words to get someone to see the brighter side of things. But if that does not work, you could show them how much you believe in them. Send them flowers, help them with a task or hug them. When in doubt, ask what you can do to make things easier.

Bake them a treat

Homemade treats can be a creative (and tasty) way to express the love you have for a friend. Making them for someone else is a small act that could speak volumes about how much you care for them. You may want to find your friend's favorite recipes and recreate them with a personal touch. Consider surprising them by dropping them off unexpectedly at their home or workplace, especially if you know they are having a tough day or to help them celebrate a special occasion, like their birthday or a recent promotion.

Give a gift

Money may not be able to buy love, but many people appreciate receiving a thoughtful gift from time to time. This is often especially true for people whose love language is giving/receiving gifts. Is your friend obsessed with a band or a specific genre of music? Have they been talking about how they wanted to see a recently released movie? Instead of waiting for someone else to make the first move, you might want to surprise them and make it happen. You could do this by getting tickets for a local concert or surprising them with movie tickets. 

Of course, not all gifts have to be extravagant. Even small ones like a framed picture of you together, a self-published poem, or a handmade keepsake can send the same message of love. When it comes to gift-giving in a friendship, it may truly be the thought that counts.

Let them know they are on your mind

If you love your friends, they are sure to cross your mind throughout your day. Perhaps you hear a joke you think they would like or come across an inspirational message you think they need to hear. Consider sending it along. After all, they may not know you are thinking of them unless you make it known. 

Say thank you

"Thank you" can be an underrated token of appreciation. Yet, most people want to feel acknowledged or appreciated. So, even if you just thank your friends for simply being around, it might matter just the same. This humble phrase can say so much more, whether you realize it or not.

There are many ways to tell someone “Thank you" beyond just saying the words. Gift bags, gift cards, or flowers are common ideas. However, if you want to step outside what is traditional, consider making a handmade card, putting together a witty gift basket, or using your craft skills—every token of appreciation matters.

Have fun

There are few things better than laughter. You may want to watch a funny movie, go to a comedy club, or play games with your friends to express your love for them and the joy they bring to your life. The more fun you have together, the more memories you can create.

Invite them into your family

The people we love most in our lives tend to be our family members. If you truly love your friends, make them a part of your family. For example, you could bring them around your home often, celebrate holidays with them, invite them over for weekly friends’ dinners where everyone does their part to prepare the meal and clean, and take time to get to know their spouse, children, and parents.

In your new blended family, you can create new traditions, find new ways to help one another, and go on vacations or adventures together. "The more, the merrier" may be true when it comes to family, so open your door to those you love and let your family grow.

Help them

Maybe your friends are working on a backyard project or need some extra help when babysitting or cooking. To express your love, you might want to lend a hand as much as possible and watch how teamwork gets things done faster.

Be creative and think of ways you can make their day-to-day life easier. You could clean off their windshield at the gas station, put in a good word for them at your company if they are job-seeking, or offer to wrap their gifts for the holidays, for example. There are countless ways to take some weight off the people you love that may only take a few extra moments of your time.

One of the perks of helping your friends often is they are likely to reciprocate the favor. If you are by their side time and time again, they may do the same for you. The more you show that you support one another's success, the stronger your friendship might become.

Prioritize them

Anytime you put someone first, you show them how much you care for them. If your friends have asked you to go out, you might not want to brush them off. Likewise, if they have needed your help for some time, it may be best not to ignore them any longer. If you make your friends feel rejected, unimportant, or like a burden, they may remember it, even if the friendship is otherwise good. 


Talking about the past can be fun. But to go above and beyond, you could create a scrapbook, photo album, or video montage of your best times together. If your art or technology skills are not the best, that’s okay. When in doubt, you might reach out to someone with more experience than you to put it together. 

Say it

Getty/Luis Alvarez
Do you have trouble expressing your feelings?

Perhaps the easiest way to show your friends you love them is to say it. At your next get-together, you may want to make a toast and let your true feelings out. You could tell them how much they mean to you, what a difference their presence makes in your life, and how you look forward to all the upcoming things you will do together.

If public speaking is not your strength, you can still tell them how you feel. Consider sitting down with your friends one by one in a quiet setting and telling them the truth about how you feel. For inspiration, you could look at letters, poems, and songs about friendship. You may want to avoid quoting them word for word, though. There is something extra meaningful about hearing heartfelt and original words straight from someone's mouth.

Counseling for relationships

When you think of relationship counseling, couples counseling may come to mind. This isn’t the only type of counseling for relationships, though. Individual therapy or therapy with a friend can also improve platonic relationships. 

Of course, not everyone feels comfortable talking about their relationships with strangers, particularly in person. Online counseling could put you more at ease when discussing personal issues like these. Web-based counseling could also provide more flexibility since appointments are available around the clock. 

Many studies support the effectiveness and efficacy of online counseling. For example, a comprehensive meta-analysis reviewed nearly 10,000 cases and found no significant difference in outcomes between online and in-person therapy sessions, with both being effective options for many people. 


There’s nothing like taking the time out of your day to cherish your friendship and do something you know they’ll appreciate. Ultimately, there are endless ways to show your friends you love them. Be creative with your message and think of a gesture that will mean something to them. In the meantime, if you need help navigating a relationship issue, you might want to consider looking for an online therapy platform, like Regain, for support. 

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