Building A Strong Foundation: How To Determine Family Values

Updated October 8, 2024by Regain Editorial Team

Family values can impact individuals in innumerable ways throughout their lives. These core values can be principles that guide decisions, influence behavior, and shape understanding of self and the world for all family members. These values, whether they encompass honesty, kindness, respect, or responsibility, are pivotal in building a strong foundation for mental health. Family values not only shape the dynamics within the home but also contribute significantly to personal development. They help mold character, teach empathy, and foster resilience, all of which are crucial for navigating life's many challenges. Additionally, family values play a role in emotional well-being, influencing how individuals perceive themselves, interact with others, and cope with adversity. Determining and reinforcing family values shapes individuals, strengthens familial relationships, and promotes mental health. Using practical strategies to determine and instill family values can build a strong foundation for family members’ well-being.

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Are you ready to establish strong values for your family?

Understanding family values

Family values are a set of principles and beliefs that a family agrees upon and holds in high regard. These values serve as a guide, influencing familial relationships, individual behaviors, and the overall emotional growth of family members. They are significant because they shape the environment in which individuals develop and learn to navigate the world.

Values such as honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness are often central to families. Honesty forms trust, while respect nurtures mutual understanding. Responsibility teaches individuals about accountability and discipline, while kindness promotes empathy and compassion. These values and others influence behavior and decision-making, guiding individuals toward choices that align with these principles. 

Additionally, family values are not static but often pass from one generation to the next. Time says, “Parents often have an idea of the kind of person they want their child to be when they reach adulthood. Whether a strong work ethic, kind personality or positive outlook on life is highest on a parent’s wish list for their child, a guiding philosophy can help parents make choices that will move their child in that direction.” The intergenerational passing of values is a powerful process that is often subtle and gradual. It is through this cycle that values continue to guide and shape families, influencing their dynamics and the personal growth of their members across generations.

The role of caregivers in establishing family values

Caregivers hold an influential role in establishing family values, as they often serve as the primary models from which children learn. By embodying principles like honesty, respect, kindness, and responsibility in their daily actions, caregivers effectively teach these values, instilling them into their family's life.

Creating a value-based environment extends beyond simple instruction. It involves consistency in behavior, ensuring that actions align with expressed values. Furthermore, open communication plays an important role. 

Disagreements about values can arise within a family. In these situations, it’s beneficial to approach discussions with empathy and understanding, focusing on finding common ground. Encouraging each family member to express their perspective promotes a sense of inclusion and respect, strengthening the bond of the family while reinforcing its core values.

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Steps to determine and reinforce family values

Determining core family values is a dynamic process that requires self-reflection, open family discussions, and observation of behaviors. Individuals can start by reflecting on the values that resonate with them personally. Observing behaviors can also provide insights into the values already being practiced within the family.

Reinforcing family values is an ongoing task. Setting clear expectations about acceptable behaviors and decisions based on the agreed-upon values helps. Practicing what is preached is also important. When caregivers and older family members live out the values they promote, younger members are more likely to follow suit. Acknowledging and praising behaviors that align with family values also reinforces their importance.

Additionally, maintaining a sense of closeness and spending quality time together contributes significantly to the transmission of values. Fostering feelings of closeness and dedicating ample time to family interactions are key factors in instilling similar values. Families can strengthen the transmission of their values across generations by prioritizing meaningful connections and fostering an atmosphere of openness. Time agrees, “To communicate values to kids, focus on closeness, not lectures. Feelings of closeness and high levels of time spent together are three times as likely to produce similar values and political views in offspring as are a parental emphasis on those views.”

As children mature and family dynamics evolve, regular conversations about values become even more essential. Adapting family values to accommodate growth and change ensures their continued relevance and support of the family's evolving needs. 

The impact of family values on society

Family values serve as a guiding force within the home, but their impact extends far beyond, shaping societal norms and behaviors. When family members embody values such as respect, kindness, and responsibility, their interactions in the community influence how others are treated, responsibilities are handled, and contributions are made.

The presence of strong family values can foster healthier and more cohesive communities. By upholding values that emphasize respect, kindness, and responsibility, families contribute to a broader societal culture that values these principles. This, in turn, leads to more harmonious relationships, increased cooperation, and a heightened sense of community.

Furthermore, families that prioritize values like empathy and understanding raise individuals who are attuned to the needs of others. These individuals become positive contributors to society, cultivating an atmosphere of care and consideration that enhances communal well-being. 

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Are you ready to establish strong values for your family?

The connection between family values and mental health

For some families, there may be a strong link between values and mental health. Families that uphold strong values provide a supportive environment that can bolster mental resilience and coping skills. This environment can be particularly beneficial when facing challenging situations, as the values can provide a framework for understanding and navigating these difficulties.

Family values also play a role in shaping an individual's identity and self-esteem. When people feel aligned with their family's values, it can foster a sense of belonging, enhancing their self-worth and emotional well-being. Despite the role of strong family values, mental health issues can still arise, and seeking professional help is always an option. If someone in the family is struggling with their mental health, despite a strong foundation of family values, reaching out to a mental health professional can provide support.

Seeking professional support

Online therapy can be a valuable tool in the context of family values and mental health. Additionally, for individuals struggling to align with their family's values or facing mental health issues, online therapy offers a safe space to express their feelings and seek support. Online therapy can be beneficial in promoting a healthier understanding and implementation of family values, potentially contributing to improved mental health.

One study examined the escalating need for telehealth options in family mental health services and conducted three studies in which they reviewed guidelines for telehealth family therapy, examined evidence for telehealth family therapy through a systematic review of studies, and synthesized clinical accommodations from experienced family therapists. The review and meta-analysis provide evidence that "family-based therapy delivered via telehealth improves relational and mental health outcomes for family, parent, and child measures. Effects were equivalent to the in-person delivery of interventions for many outcomes. In no studies included in the review were outcomes from telehealth found to be inferior to in-person delivery."


Establishing and reinforcing strong family values can serve as a foundation for mental health, individual growth, and societal connections. As families navigate their unique dynamics and challenges, online therapy can effectively support these efforts. While family values can form a bedrock of mental well-being, tools like online therapy can serve as support systems in cultivating and preserving these values. 

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