Is Anxiety Curable?

Updated April 4, 2024by Regain Editorial Team

Anxiety is a common feeling of fear and uneasiness that most people experience at some point or another. At healthy levels, it’s normally not a cause for concern. However, frequent, severe episodes of anxiety could be a sign of something more serious, like a mental health disorder. There are many types of anxiety, ranging from social anxiety to panic disorder, and each can have different treatment options. While there may not be a cure for anxiety, there are plenty of ways it can be managed appropriately. In this article, we’ll be discussing what you should know about anxiety and how you can treat it to live a healthier, more productive life.

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Understanding anxiety disorders

We all feel anxious from time to time. Anxiety is normal to feel as it is the body’s automatic response to feeling pressure, threats, or staring down a challenging situation. However, some people experience so much anxiety that it becomes debilitating and makes it difficult to live life productively. In these cases, an individual may be living with an anxiety disorder. 

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, and each has its own symptoms, signs, and treatments. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, social anxiety disorder, and separation anxiety disorder are just a few. Separation anxiety disorder is marked by intense anxiety whenever someone is not around a family member or significant other. Social anxiety disorder makes it difficult to function in social settings. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a constant fear or dread of generalized things in life. 

Anxiety can manifest with physical symptoms like a racing heart, lightheadedness, stomachaches, quick breathing, hot flashes, and more. It can be challenging to distinguish between anxiety disorders and other conditions in some cases. Often, anxiety is comorbid with other disorders such as depression. Speaking to a professional is the only way to get a proper diagnosis and start building a treatment plan. 

Is anxiety curable? 

Anxiety is not curable, but there are ways you can live a happy, healthy life even if you struggle with this condition. By working with a mental health professional, like a therapist, you can identify the root of your anxiety and take steps to manage it. A therapist can equip you with coping mechanisms and other tools to help you live a productive life despite your symptoms. 

Signs of an anxiety disorder

Knowing the difference between occasional anxiety and an anxiety disorder can be an important distinction to make. Clinical anxiety can be challenging to manage and can have a huge impact on day-to-day life. There are signs that you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder, and it can be important to see a professional if you have the signs of one. Ignoring these symptoms may worsen the situation and make it more difficult to get the treatment you need. Here are seven general symptoms and signs of an anxiety disorder to be aware of:

  • Constantly being worried, tense, or on edge.
  • Anxiety interfering with school, work, or other responsibilities.
  • Constant fears that you know are irrational but will not go away.
  • A fear that something bad will happen to you, or a sense of constant dread.
  • Avoiding everyday situations because they make you feel anxious.
  • Sudden attacks where it feels like your heart is thudding against your chest.
  • Feeling like danger is around the corner.

Perhaps the symptoms you are experiencing are not quite as serious as those listed above, but they can be signs no less. Things like a sense of dread, an anticipation of the worst, feeling jumpy or tense, feeling irritable, and your mind going blank can all be signs that you’re experiencing anxiety. Other physical signs could also point to an anxiety disorder, such as sweating, an upset stomach, headaches, dizziness, the feeling that your heart is pounding, shortness of breath, shaking, or insomnia.

When physical symptoms are present, they can be easily confused with other medical illnesses, so it can be difficult to attribute them to anxiety specifically. Seeing a professional can be helpful in any event because even if it is not related to anxiety, it could be a symptom of another illness or disorder.

Another symptom of anxiety is panic attacks. These are situations in which an intense fear or panic overtakes you and comes on with seemingly no warning. Shortness of breath, sweating, and shaking can all be symptoms during a panic attack. It may even feel like you’re having a heart attack. There may be obvious triggers for panic attacks that you can try to avoid, but all too often, they come without notice. Panic attacks are treatable with the right tools and intervention, and it can be crucial to get support for them from a professional. 

What are the treatment options?

While there may not be a cure for anxiety, there are techniques used to treat it. In some cases, these can be just as effective as a cure. The options for anxiety treatment can come down to anti-anxiety medication, professional therapy, lifestyle changes, or all of these.  

Medication for anxiety is considered one of the most effective ways of managing anxiety and depression since the two can become connected. Anti-anxiety medication is used for anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, separation anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder GAD, and anxiety-related disorders. Some wish to abstain from using medication because of the side effects. Like any medication, anti-anxiety medication can come with side effects that range from very mild to serious issues or ailments. Always speak with a medical provider before stopping or starting a new medication. 

Professional talk therapy is another treatment option that has shown promise for many people. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular forms of therapy for anxiety disorders. This type of approach teaches people how to recognize when they’re thinking unhelpful thoughts. They can then learn how to alter those thoughts and think more positively, which can lessen the amount of anxiety they experience over time. 

Finally, simple lifestyle changes can promote healthier living and reduce the amount of anxiety one is experiencing. Lifestyle changes could include exercising regularly, eating nutritiously, and getting enough sleep at night. Spending time with loved ones, developing hobbies, and making time for self-care can all also be essential. Sometimes, little changes can add up and make a huge difference. 

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Online counseling for anxiety

While there is no cure for anxiety, there are plenty of ways it can be managed. One of the most effective treatment options is talk therapy, which can be done online or in person. Some people may prefer to see a therapist in person, but if you don’t have options in your local area, lack transportation, or need a cost-effective option, online counseling may be a more ideal choice. With Regain, an online counseling platform, you can connect with a therapist through video chats, phone calls, or in-app messaging. If you struggle with certain types of anxiety, like social anxiety, online therapy may give you the chance to still get the support you need without having to go to an office in person. A therapist can listen as you get worries off your chest and provide you with tools to cope with your anxiety symptoms as they arise. In time, you can learn how to manage your mental health in a way that allows you to live a healthy, happy, and productive life.

The effectiveness of online counseling for anxiety

Online therapy has been shown to be just as effective as traditional face-to-face interventions. In one study, researchers discovered that an internet-delivered CBT treatment for generalized anxiety disorder was efficacious in reducing symptoms of anxiety, including pathological worry. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapeutic framework that encourages individuals to recognize their unhelpful thoughts and reframe them to be more positive. This can alter the negative beliefs they hold about themselves and help change their behavior as well. 


While worrying can be normal in healthy amounts, clinical anxiety can be debilitating and make it difficult to focus on school, work, and life at home. Although anxiety doesn’t have a cure, it can still be important to seek ways to treat it. Common treatment options can include medication, talk therapy, and lifestyle changes, though a combination of these is often pursued. Reaching out to a professional, such as a therapist, can be an essential step in getting the care you need. A therapist can help you understand how to avoid anxiety-inducing situations and teach you coping techniques that can help during times of distress. Instead of letting anxiety take control of you, take the first step by learning new ways to combat it. 

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